Do you need a personal trainer in Willington, CT
Are you struggling to reach your fitness goals?
Fun facts about Willington Connecticut:
Willington is a town in Connecticut. The town is about 25 miles northeast of Hartford. This town leads right out to Boston. The schools here are the Elementary and Middle school. The High school is a great school although not many of the kids from the Middle school go here. This town has a population of about 6,000 as it is not a small but not a big town. One of the most popular parks in town is Fenton-Ruby Park & Wildlife Preserve and Drobney Sanctuary, it is a great park to ride your bike and just hang out. It is clean and well kept up. The trails here are 4.2 long of hiking trails. Willington used to be part of Ashford then split up into another town. In the late 1700s in was split up to become Willington.