Do you need a personal trainer in East Hampton, CT
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Fun facts about East Hampton Connecticut:
East Hampton is a town in Connecticut. The population was 12,959 according to the town hall during 2010. The town is made up of a bunch of villages. The town is located in the Middlesex County. The school systems are made up of 4 schools going from k-8 and 9-12. There is a lot of history in Easthampton, a quote from the Connecticut assembly is this “The European-derived first settlers of the area arrived in 1739 by sea from Eastham, Massachusetts. They traveled up the Connecticut River to Middle Haddam parish between the two adjacent towns of Middletownand Haddam. Led by Isaac Smith, some of these settlers went on to the hills near Lake Pocotopaug” as the settlers arrived in 1739 they had formed a town shortly after that is now East Hampton