Do you need a personal trainer in Middlebury, CT
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Fun facts about Middlebury Connecticut:
Middlebury is a town which is located in Connecticut. one of the notable poeple in middlebury is William Hawkins, he was born in Middlebury. Middlebury has a great ammount of people around the area. there were alot of historical places in this town. middlebury was created in the eraly 1700s. It was bought for about 100 dollars back then, and from a small village it became a little town named middlebury. This town went from un populated to populated in the in the late 1900s. Some restuarant on the border of this town burned down. Luckily no one was hurt. Some fun things to do in town is to visit the museuem or even the big fields that they have open for the public. There are also some lakes to go fishing.