Do you need a personal trainer in Harwinton, CT
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Fun facts about Harwinton Connecticut:
Harwinton is a town in located in Connecticut. In Harwinton the population was about 5,000 at the 2000 census. The high school is Lewis S. Mills. The high school and the middle school have two towns combined. Harwinton is located next to Torrington and Burlington. Lewis mills is in the top 15 schools in Connecticut. Lewis mills has a new football team according to the town hall it is new since “2009”. Next to Harington is Burlington which has a cemetery that you might know as Green Lady Cemetery, due to a ghost that supposedly haunts the grounds. Regional School District #10 serves the Connecticut towns of Burlington and Harwinton and was established in 1962. the schools in Burlington are Lewis S. Mills High School, Har-Bur Middle School, Lake Garda, have a total enrollment of more than 2800 students in region 10.