In-Home Personal Trainer in Norwalk CT

In-Home Personal Trainer Norwalk CT

In-Home Personal Trainer in Norwalk CT

Do you need a personal trainer in Norwalk, CT
Are you struggling to reach your fitness goals?

Private Fitness Trainer Norwalk CT

Fun facts about Norwalk Connecticut:
Norwalk is located in Connecticut. According to the town hall in 2010 the population of Norwalk was about 86,000. Norwalk is the 6th most populated city in Connecticut. Norwalk got its name from a native American chief in the 1700s. Norwalk is a big city known for their farming. It is a city in Fairfield Count. This town has some great baseball fields that used to have a great baseball team. The athletics are good, as well as some of their other clubs. Some of the fields are baseball fields that were played on by some of the greatest players on the high school team. It is a great practicing field near the high school surrounded by a lot of open field. another close by park is Mitchel park, which is also a baseball field located near some surrounding fields.